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Relish the Journey...Fit for Life

As a teacher/coach/athlete, I'm constantly searching for fitness/nutritional/technical info which I can use and share with those around me.....

Seeking fitness and technical advice from Carl...
Fit for Life

I was fortunate enough to be a standin for Carl Lewis in a Nike commercial filmed in Tucson, Arizona, December 1983.  He was very hospitable and informative.  We spoke about the high school days (we went to neighboring high schools in New Jersey), training and nutrition.  He's a cool cat...if you spoke to him one on one...I'm sure you would leave with a new friend... 

Everyone went on to successful lives/careers......
Fit for Life.....

I had a great experience coaching at James Madison University in '95...the head coach was great and the student/athletes were the best!!!...Note:  They all eventually graduated and went on to successful careers in various fields...

Minna-san Konnichiwa.....
Fit for Life......

Japan....I spent a good portion of my adult life living and working in Japan...about 14 years...I taught, competed, coached and owned/operated several businesses while in Japan...speaking of nutrition, Japanese food (traditional Japanese food that is..) is great for you ...it consists of lots of vegetables...food is generally, steamed, broiled, boiled or raw...rarely ever fried....

Words of wisdom..."I don't consider......
Fit for Life....

This picture was part of newspaper series done on local athletes who qualified for the 1988 U.S. Olympic Track and Field Trials....the Trials experience was very satisfying...something that I cherish to this day.... 

"A little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing."